Thursday, May 24, 2007

The game changes. Seven-month wait begins.

Wow. That was intense. Um...where to begin. We got the death we've been clamoring for, though only one of the Losties bought it. We saw a more trustworthy, heroic Jack, but he was clearly not the Jack of old. We even got a glimpse into the (possible) future, and it ain't pretty my friends. That whole spiel about this episode being a "game changer" proved to be pretty truthful, after all. As with all Lost finales, this one answered a lot of questions - only to set up even more. Here's what we learned:

1. Locke is alive, and man does he not want to leave the island.
2. Charlie is dead, and he went out in a particularly affecting fashion.
3. Most of the Others' "muscle" is now dead, thanks to a combo of Jack's dynamite plan and Hurley's VW Busmanship.
4. That boat parked 80 miles off the Island's shore isn't Penny's boat, and we have no idea who Naomi is.
5. Was, who Naomi was. Locke, that crafty old cogger, literally knifed her in the back.
6. That guy with the eye patch cannot be killed.

Now, here's what we don't know - yet:

1. Was that final scene a "flash forward," as the anagram on the outside of the funeral home would have us believe?
2. So, Kate and Jack DO get off the Island, but Jack becomes an alcoholic, pill-popping psycho.
3. Who the hell was in that coffin? Screen captures floating about the Net lead us to believe it is a man from New York, but who could that be?
4. Are these "flash forwards" going to take the place of flashbacks in future seasons?
5. Is Ben telling the truth about Naomi and the boat? Or is he full of shit?
6. Where's Locke going now? Something tells me Sawyer, Sayid and the gang won't want to cuddle.

And these are just the beginning. Folks, that was an incredible finale that blew the doors off the Lost universe. Now, we wait. And wait. Seven months is a looooooong time. Rest your TiVos.

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