Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Welcome ...

Look, we're not going to do one of those lengthy introductions where we tell you everything about us. You don't care. Hell, we barely care. Here's the rundown: we're (think of we in the Spider-Man/Venom sense) not really jocks. We played three sports in high school, but none particularly well (though they really should bring back the 160-pound linebacker). We're writers too unfocused to finish a screenplay, too lazy to write a novel, too cynical to stick as a journalist, and too opinionated not to say anything. We like the Colts, the Cards, and the Bulls (though the NBA is increasingly painful to follow). We like Lost, The Wire, and Friday Night Lights more than any other shows on television. And we'll see any movie that's out there - but we probably won't like it. That's when we'll tell you about it.

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