Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Big Bird died for your sins

Remember that story about that LA Times columnist who had a sex change? He/she's back. [Sports by Brooks]
Just another reason those criticisms of Peyton Manning are unfounded. [18 to 88]
A brilliant way to rid yourself of annoying ESPN Motion videos. [Deadspin]
Now, we don't want to condone this, but it's the NFL, kid! [Yahoo! Sports]

If an actor were a video game character, who would they be? [Maxim]
When movies go to Washingon, D.C., look out 'cuz there be talkin'. [WA Post]
A case for not making James Bond a funny guy. [The Guardian]
Zodiac was a great movie, but what's with its DVD treatment? [Village Voice]

It's official: Drew Carey's doing TPIR. [USA Today]
HBO is signing on for another season of Big Love. [Variety]
The Gilmore Girls creator hit the bottle instead of her old show's finale. [NJ.com]
Sesame Street is getting the star treatment for its Christmas specia. [H-Wood Reporter]

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