Monday, July 16, 2007

Charlie Barlett: Bueller or bullshit?

It's rebellious teen time at the cinema, everybody! In truth, we have nothing against the prospect of a genre film starring Robert Downey Jr. as an authority figure. We think it's a brilliant piece of against-type casting. And we were very impressed by the work of the upcoming Charlie Bartlett's title star Anton Yelchin in last spring's Alpha Dog. But hasn't this particular genre run its course? We'll let you judge for yourself, but we've seen enough.


Anonymous said...

This movie is GREAT. Yes, there are teen comedies out there. But Yelchin, Downey and Davis are all worth the price of admission. Go see it, you'll have a ball.

bsanders37 said...

Thanks for the tip. We'll see anything with Downey Jr. in it, so count us in.