Friday, July 20, 2007

Playoffs, you kiddin me?

Tommy Frazier rocks the mic like no other. [Mac G's World]
Meet Ichiro, the most forward-thinking athlete alive. [Biz of Baseball]
Fat athletes can dominate, too. [The Bench Warmer]
This judge will throw the book at Mike Vick. [A-JC]

Danny Boyle loves the Sunshine. [Wired]
Liam Neeson discusses a movie that sank without a trace. [London Times]
Chuck and Larry or Hairspray, decisions, decisions. [Box Office Mojo]
Speaking of Hairspray, its director's not a total newbie...[Spout]

We're not the only ones upset about the Emmy noms. [Translucent Fish]
Drew Carey may get this Price is Right gig just yet. [Variety]
CBS has a quick fix-it option for those overtime NFL games. [Miami Herald]
Somehow, Drive scored an Emmy nod, but not The Wire. [Variety]

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