Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Dean Cain just can't shed the Supes suit

Yeah, the Celtics future is bleak. [Simon on Sports]
Pacman probably won't be too active in the ring. [Wrestlezone]
Peter King, the prescient killer. [SI.com]
Jayson Stark has all the MLB trade deadline info you could ever want. [ESPN]
Bergman, as genius as Bill Walsh. [Movie City News]
How environmental are The Simpsons? [Slate]
So many Blade Runners, so little viewing time. [Esquire]
A delightful tale of how hard screenwriting really is. [The Artful Writer]

Big Love, suddenly all about cunnilingus. [EW]
Star Jones, owning up to the fat loss. [ET Online]
Blair Underwood will never find a good role - ever. [H-Wood Reporter]
Dean Cain will always be our Superman. [Movie Hole]

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