Thursday, July 19, 2007

He's just not very bright

This'll be our last Vick post for a bit, because you're no doubt being drowned in the coverage. But we had to pass along this quote we found from "source" of's Don Banks in his column today:

"He's not very bright at all,'' the source said of Vick. "And that's a big part of his problems. He's a very unintelligent person and he makes poor decisions because of it. It's not a white or black thing. Paris Hilton is an idiot, too. Mike Tyson was totally dumb, but for a long time his trainer kept him protected from his worst mistakes. You have to have someone around you who can protect you from yourself at times.''

We don't know who this "source" is, but we think we'd like to have a beer or two with he or she. How's that Schaub trade looking now, Atlanta?

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