Tuesday, June 26, 2007

About that tribute...

It's confirmed, Benoit did it, with his hands, in the family room - and the cops found steroids in the house. We hate to speculate, but anyone not coming to the conclusion that he killed them in a roid-induced rage, then committed suicide after realizing what he'd done obviously doesn't think the way we think. The WWE is trying to make the public forget a three-hour tribute to Benoit was ever aired. Too late. Commenters on the ESPN story are rabid, per usual.

JayWein555 - what an a s s he deserves no tribute, or no recognition he should burn in hell

nyrfan1026 - wow.. and in the other espn conversation thing on the other article about this story people were praising the man and saying what a great person he was... wow those people feel pretty stupid right about now huh

moyle360 - Guess he couldn't handle the shame of jobbing to MVP in straight falls.

mshawgo - After seeing the comments on the previous story from fans saying how great he was, this was what I expected to hear. They had said no guns were involved so i figured a guy his size could kill his family with his bare hands and then hang himself. I sure hope we don't have any more comments in support of him. Nice job with that Tribute WWE, making yourselves look even dumber, I didn't know that was even possible. Didn't I hear they faked McMahon's death recently? Dumb, dumb, dumb. Just maybe this will signal the end of this "sport". Burn in hell Benoit. RIP to his wife and son.

btltech - Another reason to never watch this makeshift "sport". Real nice that a man that size kills his own son. Coward.

Oh, and apparently Colin Cowherd said some things about the story this morning that have upset quite a few listeners. We're not sure what they were, but we imagine they have something to do with steroids. Can't really fault him for that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Waht the fuck, Benoit was one of the greatest wrestler of all times and all he gets is shit? Sure Benoit is crazy to kill himself and his family while he had a wonderful life, but the steroids prove nothing. WWE didnt make themselfes look dumb, they paid tribute to Benoit for all the great memories about wrestling. Not for what he's done. And that fake death of Vince, well its all entertainment, World Wrestling Entertainment. ANd dont say Bullshit you suck, no you suck all Benoit was the hero of million fans. WWE had billions fans over the world. So dont fuck about it and its about time a WWE lover comes here this blog sucks donkey balls.

-Guest that isnt coming back.