Friday, June 22, 2007

"Rise and fall, on the wings of my dreams"

Bitching about ESPN is allowed, thank you very much. [The Big Lead]
For every Cal Ripken, there's a bunch of these guys. [Bugs and Cranks]
Joel Zumaya really is Comcastic. [YouTube]
Slurping Vince Young is still in style, for the moment. [The Sports Oasis]

Meryl Streep's getting up there, huh? [Pop Watch]
An ungodly amount of inches devoted to Michael Moore's Sicko. [LA Times]
Woody Allen, doing an opera. Because that makes sense. [Yahoo!]
Not all summer movies are crappy. Just most of them. [NY Times]

Is reality TV over? Oh, we hope so. [Newsweek]
A chick president on 24? Hey, this show is realistic! [TV Guide]
The Office made it to syndication. Congrats to them. [Broadcasting Cable]
Heroes, hell-bent on world domination. [LA Times]

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