Tuesday, June 26, 2007

In defense of James Blunt (no, really)

Now, we're not music snobs by any means, even though we often look down on others for liking such dribble as "My Humps" or Carrie Underwood. We won't pound your ears by trumpeting that The White Stripes' Icky Thump is, like, the greatest album of the millenium. But we will refuse to believe that James Blunt's "Your Beautiful" is the most irritating song ever, despite its winning that esteemed distinction from a recent poll. It's a British poll, so it's no surprise Blunt is a target. We in the States might not realize this, but when Blunt rose to prominence here in the fall of 2005 he'd already been a success across the pond for a year. Obviously, after three years of the stuff, the Brits have had quite enough.

We can understand their position, but we - don't laugh, you fucks! - actually really like James Blunt. His debut album, Back to Bedlam is soulful and catchy, and the lyrics are a lot smarter than you'd think, especially if you listen to more than just "You're Beautiful." Was his breakout his overplayed? Definitely. Was it his fault? Hell no, so take it up with someone else (we suggest FM radio and VH1 programmers). Besides, how can "You're Beautiful" possibly be more irritating than "My Heart Will Go On" or anything by Los Del Rio?

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